Nagasaki Univ. Plasma Engineering Laboratory
Message from Plasma Engineering Laboratory
Welcome to Plasma Engineering Laboratory at Nagasaki University.
We do basic and applied researches and education on plasma science and technology.
Our primary concern is the low pressure plasma processings such as PVD and CVD for thin film deposition and surface modification.
To understand the physics and chemistry and control plasma-surface interaction, we use variety of diagnostics for plasmas and surfaces.
Our lab. also covers atmospheric and liquid plasmas.
For students
Modern society is supported by plasma technology. Through study of plasma, you can acquire a variety of knowledges and skills in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, etc.
For industry
Plasmas are widely used in almost all industry as light, heat and energy sources, as well as surface coating and modification tools.
We have skills in surface coating/modification and plasma diagnostics.
Please ask us anything if you have problems.
We will help you as possible as we can.
For the general public
Plasma supports our society, working in the background. For example, plasma technology is used to elongate the life of tools, harden the steels, add beautiful colors, improve wettability, make variety of electronic devices such as flat-panel-displays, touch-screens, microelectronics ICs which are used in mobile phones and computers, etc. Not only light sources such as fluorescent lamps, high intensity discharge lamps used of automobiles, but also microwave ovens and air cleaners are plasma products. Plasma applications are now expanding to medicine, agriculture, and space engineering.
News and updates
2023.4.19 Webpage of Member is updated. 2018.11.21 Webpage of Member in English is updated. 2018.11.21 Webpage of Member in Japanese is updated. 2016.7.7 Webpages in English renewed. 2016.7.7 Webpages in Japanese renewed.